How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay
Sep 09, 2021

In the past blog, we discussed how to select a topic, write an introduction, and position arguments in your essay. In this blog, we discuss closing your discussion like an A+ student.
You're almost there! You've polished the introduction and thesis and done sufficient research to support topic arguments. The essay body paragraphs have sufficiently answered the questions, and you’re approaching the finishing line. It’s time to conclude.
Most students have confessed that the conclusion is the most challenging part of their projects. The conclusion is also a significant part of the essay that you shouldn’t overlook. It provides an insightful summary of the topic, besides allowing you to restate the thesis statement.
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What Are The Features of an Effective Conclusion?
Conclusions are essential in any academic essay, article, or piece that examines or proposes an issue, event or idea. It allows the researcher to address the "so what" aspects by offering insightful clarification of the paper's points and arguments. The following are the feature of an effective conclusion.
It Restates the Thesis Statement - An effective conclusion reminds the reader about the essay's primary purpose through restating the thesis statement. However, avoid using the exact words you used in the thesis.
Summarizes support Point – Ensure that you summarize your essay’s main arguments and ideas using different wordings.
Links Opening and Closing Statement – An effective conclusion refers to the introduction's themes using similar concepts such as imagery.
Provide Insights- An effective conclusion shouldn’t leave the reader in suspense. It should offer insights, solutions, call-to-action or ask questions for further researches in the subject matter. Some key things to look into include; what is the implication of your point of view or arguments? Why should the readers care?
Add a Perspective- Your conclusion devoid of a perspective is less meaningful. For instance, state a quote from the literature sources contradicting your stand and critic it in conclusion. You may also include a quote reinforcing your stand from books or published journals or end the conclusion with a scholarly statement. Remember, it's vital to take a stand about the issue you're arguing about in your conclusion. Let your readers know what you think about the subject matter. However, ensure that the secondary materials you use in your conclusion do not detract you from your stated point.
Consider Adding a Clincher- The clincher is a crucial aspect of an effective conclusion. Think of what you can say to propel your readers to think differently about the topic. Use the clincher at the end of your essay on a positive note. Make your readers feel glad to have read the paper and learned something new.
Things to Avoid in A Conclusion
There are several things worth refraining from when writing your concluding paragraph. Such elements may cheapen the arguments you presented in your essay. They include;
- Avoid using phrases or words such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “to sum up.” Your readers can see that it's the last paragraph of your essay; it's unnecessary to signpost it.
- Don't copy and paste your main arguments in the essay. Remember, you must not reiterate all the main ideas in the conclusions, especially for short essays. Economize words state your perspective.
- Refrain from introducing new ideas in conclusion. Most students make this mistake. You'll only end up confusing your readers, which will negatively affect the quality of your paper.
- Avoid including any evidence as every analysis or evidence supporting your main points should appear in the paper’s main body. Only include one or two sentences examining broader implications of your arguments or a quote summarizing your central argument.
- Avoid using words or phrases that undermine your argument by making you sound confused or uncertain. Phrases such as, "There is no universally acceptable answer to the question," "This argument is just one of the many directions to approach…," "Both sides have many supporting arguments…." These phrases will make the readers question your stand.
Types of Conclusions
Multiple sources cite different types of conclusions. However, all the conclusions serve the same primary functions, including;
- Summarization
This conclusion style is commonly used in technical papers with a clinical tone such as reports, definitions, and surveys. It is ideal for longer papers to remind the readers about the paper's main points. Avoid subjective ideas or reflexive references such as "I feel" or "from my perspective."
- Editorialization
The conclusion style is commonly used in essays whose arguments form part of a broad and complex subject. It offers a transition for readers to look at the issue from a different perspective and develop the discussion further.
- Externalization
The conclusion style is ideal for essays with a conversational or persuasive topic or where the writer wants to connect with the reader. This conclusion format includes the researcher’s commentary about the topic. Use a conversational tone to draw the reader’s attention to personal beliefs, interpretations, and politics of feelings.
Example of an effective conclusion;
Frank shows that humans will live in the glory of taking steps to change the story of climate change, while Wickersham et al. observe that human beings can enact life-long strategies to deal with the effects of climate change. The authors of the articles successfully communicate their perceptions about the role of human beings in handling climate change. Human beings can positively address the issue of climate change if they enact correct reframing strategies.
A conclusion’s primary goal is reiterating the essay’s thesis and main arguments. It gives your readers a sense of closure and suggests that you’ve attained your goals.
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