How to Write an Article Review- A Complete Guide
Sep 12, 2021

Article reviews allow students, researchers, scholars, and other critics to evaluate other author's work in a given field. Professors often ask students to write article reviews of given works to sharpen students' research skills. Experts also review their peers' work to ascertain originality, clarity, and the work's contribution to a specific field of study.
An article review demands high levels of professionalism incorporating in-depth and well-thought arguments. Otherwise, your review will be biased. We have devoted Essay Writers who can offer guidance on the go. get in touch for exciting offers
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The critical and constructive demystification involves the following;
Summarizing, evaluating, analyzing, classifying, critiquing, and comparison of the work
The analysis, comparison, and evaluation require utilizing ideas, theories, and relevant research to the article’s subject matter.
Remember that writing a review doesn't need the addition of new information; you'll only be giving a response to another person's work.
Your critique will be based on thoughtful reasoning and available proof.
How Do I Write an Authoritative Article Review?
Consider the following things when writing an article review.
1. Check the Scope and Aim of the Review
It’s vital to read the scope and aim of the journal or instructions of the paper that you’ll submit. Write your review by closely following the scope or instructions. It’s worth noting that various journals have specific instructions that article reviews should follow.
2. Create A Title for Your Review
Create a title that captures the essential aspect of your review. You'll be free to choose between an interrogative title, descriptive title, and declarative (statement) title.
Here’s an example;
Should The Public Hold Administrators Accountable For All Decisions, They Make?
3. Cite the article
Place a complete citation of the article that you’re reviewing immediately after the title. Remember to use proper citation style as specified in the instructions or choose the format that works best for you if none has been specified.
Check this example of an MLA and APA formatted article citation, respectively;
Pesch, Udo. "Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of value systems in the public domain." Public Integrity 10.4 (2008): 335-344. DOI: 10.2753/PIN1099-9922100403
Udo Pesch (2008) Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain, Public Integrity, 10:4, 335-344, DOI: 10.2753/PIN1099-9922100403
4. Identify the Article in the First Paragraph
A good review should introduce the article and author in the first sentence of the opening paragraph. It’s advisable to paraphrase the journal’s citation by mentioning the title, the author, and the original year of first publication. Look at this example;
The journal “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain,” written by Udo Pesch and first published in 2008, explores the interaction between value systems and the decisions that public administrators make.
5. Write the Introduction
After writing the identification sentence, it’s worth mentioning the article’s central arguments and the themes that the author was putting across. State the author’s thesis statement by acknowledging the main points it mentions. Some articles do not have a clearly stated thesis statement leaving room for you to determine it yourself.
Avoid using the first person unless it has been specified in the instructions. Always use the third person in an academic and formal style of writing. Your introduction should also take a maximum of 25% of your paper's total length, but the most recommended is 10%. End the introduction with a thesis statement, for example;
Pesch raises potent arguments, but his article also takes a biased stand using misinterpreted data from past studies on the role of administrators in decision-making.
6. Summarize the Article
Summarize the article's arguments, main points, and findings in your own words. Prove how the author supports the claims about the subject matter. You can use a couple of paragraphs depending on the instructor or publisher’s requirement. Avoid covering specific statistics, examples, or background information that experts in the field already know. However, document the main points in each part of the journal as space allows. Avoid filling the summary paragraphs with junk quotes.
7. Write A Critique
Use a couple of paragraphs to express your take on the article. Here are a few questions to guide you in the critique;
Was the article clear about the subject matter?
- Do you feel the author presented weak arguments, or did he fail to offer sufficient evidence to support his point of view?
- Were there any biases in the arguments?
- Did the present author have objective or subjective arguments?
- Which areas do you agree or disagree with the author?
- Does the journal have a significant contribution to the subject matter in the field?
Refrain from filling your critique section with a host of unrelated critiques. Also, avoid bringing new issues into the journal, back up your critique with evidence from the journal or other relevant external sources. Explain the significance of the article instead of saying whether you liked it or not.
The last part is concluding your article by summarizing its main arguments, your opinions, and the article's significance. Feel free to comment on the article's implications for further future studies in the field. Finally, proofread your work!
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